Well, let me tell you.
I have been scouring Pinterest for vegan recipes. Some are really good and some are not. I love to read recipes. When you know what flavor profiles you like it's easy. You get a knack for knowing if the recipe will come out to your liking or not... As you can see in the above photo you will see the haul I brought home from Aldi. Aldi shopping center is new to me and I love it. I spend at least 1/3 less then at ShopRite, sometime even half! With this batch of vegetable goodness I made Sautéed Kale with Raisins and walnuts, Tortilla Soup, and Yukon Gold potatoes and Tempeh Croquettes with an avocado "creme" sauce. I haven't yet made my weekly batch of Vegan Fajitas made with tempeh, multi-colored peppers, red onions, avocados and mini portobello mushrooms (this recipe is in the newsletter, try it out) or my three bean salad with green beans, red kidney beans and cannellini beans. My absolute breakfast favorite teeters between oatmeal with lots of unsweetened peanut butter (in which I have a stash of three bottles so I don't run out) and a splash of maple syrup and avocado toast, which sometimes I make with: toast, hummus and sliced avocados topped with lots of fresh cracked pepper, salt and chia seeds. Just a side note, when I think of chia I remember the chia head commercials, "chia, chia!"...and now we eat them... I have cut out all processed foods, well sometimes I have banana chips, which are dehydrated sliced bananas, but other then that I make everything and it is so rewarding. If you're interested in learning more about how a plant-based diet works with your body, especially for athletic performance, watch the Netflix documentary "Game Changers". This explains a lot about how it has been a better option for extreme athletes and why.